Design Partner Program
An AI-Powered Tech Integration Data Fabric & Mesh
Everyone knows that most M&A is value destructive. We think you can do better. Partner with us to navigate and address the challenges threatening your M&A fueled growth and build a solution to supercharge your organization's ability to rapidly & predictably integrate or modernization solutions post-acquisition.
Post acquisition challenges that threaten success
You’ve invested in the business case and the due-diligence to acquire a bolt-on or tuck-in solution to accelerate your growth, but you’re not only failing to gain traction, you’re seeing key KPIs decline.
Your net revenue retention (NRR) is declining
Your 2-5x revenue growth goal is slowing down or stalling
You can't get features to market fast enough to stay competitive
Integrating partners and acquisitions is proving to be extremely difficult
You know the answer, you just can't execute
To address these challenges, you already know some of the strategies necessary, but you’ve found it difficult to execute on these tactics while keeping up the pace of continued sales, feature development, and general maintenance of your existing and acquired solutions.
Unified user experiences
to simplify cross-product interactions and make easier to use solutions
Reporting, insights, analytics, & ML/AI
through seamless data syncing across any system
Acquired and partner data integration
to grow your product suite and integrate siloed data sources both internally and externally
to migrate away from costly legacy tech and infrastructure to better your margins and provide competitive pricing
Freedom to innovate
and build new combinations of features and data to delight users and capture market opportunities without breaking your existing systems
The common thread is data
How your data moves between your systems, old and new, determines the speed of your evolution.
You’re missing a secure, real-time syncing, aggregation, and insights data fabric solution coupled with a clear people, process, and technology strategy.
Ready to partner?
Show this to your CTO.
What does a real-time data syncing, aggregation, and insights platform that splices together acquisitions look like? This is a high-level feature breakdown of how our approach to this data fabric and mesh solution works. The jargon may be a little technical, but each piece plays a fundamental role securing and expanding your market position during stages of rapid growth.
Data governance
Registry of data types and sources to be used as a canonical reference everywhere
Secure data flows
Secure, encrypted, real-time data syncing and data distribution across any network or system.
Issue resolution
Easily track and resolve data flow issues.
Transform, map, or enrich real-time data as needed using actual code instead of cumbersome UX that your devs don't need.
Federated DBs
We handle transit, you collect your data as needed. Route flows to your own registered DBs for specific use cases like analytics or AI.
Insights APIs
Ready to use, generic, secure APIs that operate across your registered databases to enable analytics and reporting without extra dev.
Our solution enables M&A success by addressing...
Build new solutions separately from your legacy tech & modernize incrementally without sacrificing feature development
Stay Feature-focused
Save your budget for core features and revenue opportunities
Decentralize your core business domain data and tap into it any way and purpose that is valuable to your business
Unifying Acquired Experiences
Create real-time reporting dashboards or cross-product data APIs so you can rapidly design and release new experiences
Insights & Reporting
Quickly spin up backend insights and analytics systems to drive BI tools or custom dashboards
Monetizing Cross Acquisition Data
Create realtime data monetization opportunities by combining distinct data sources in ways your competition can’t replicate
Partnering with us will save you up to 75% of your costs over 3 years.
Acceptance into the program lets you prioritize our backlog to serve your needs first.
Included in our partnership are the Mergers & Acquisitions integration and advisory services, ensuring a holistic and strategic people, process, and technology approach to your growth. We are reviewing applications. Space is limited.
Our ideal partners
We’re interested in working with companies who are struggling to speed up product engineering, modernize, reduce tech debt, or establish repeatable M&A integration and fit some or all of the descriptions below. If this is you, we may be a perfect match.
You would classify your company generally as a SaaS Enterprise
You are backed by private equity or positioning for investment soon
You've successfully carved out your market for 10+ years with solid growth
You are exploring or undergoing product–market expansion via M&A
Your annual recurring revenue is between $10m and $250m
You are preparing for or executing on a significant growth milestone
Ready to partner?